European Business Awards 2013/14 Golden medal on Poznań International Fair 2014 - Consumers' Choice Golden medal on Poznań International Fair 2013 Microentrepreneur of the Year 2012 Golden medal on Poznań International Fair 2009 Golden Denar 2008 strona polska

European Business Awards 2014 - Kurtiak & Ley

European Business Awards National_Champion_2014-15Kurtiak & Ley Publishing House as National Public Champion representing Poland in the 2014/15 European Business Awards.


Kurtiak & Ley Publishing House won stage European Business Awards and as a National Public Champion repre­sen­ting Poland in the 2014/15 European Business Awards. We com­pe­ted with the best busi­nesses in Poland to win the acco­lade of repre­sen­ting our coun­try in The RSM Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

The European Business Awards is an inde­pen­dent Awards pro­gramme, spon­so­red by RSM International, desi­gned to reco­gnise and pro­mote excel­lence, best prac­tice and inno­va­tion in the European busi­ness com­mu­nity; con­nects the best in European busi­ness, across bor­ders, busi­ness size and sec­tor; cele­bra­tes excel­lence, inno­va­tion, entre­pre­neur­ship and best prac­tice among business.

Kurtiak and Ley Publishing is now in the final of the competition for the best European company and represents Poland as a National Public Champion.



We competed with the best businesses in Poland to win the accolade of representing our country in The RSM Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

The European Business Awards is an independent Awards programme, sponsored by RSM International, designed to recognise and promote excellence, best practice and innovation in the European business community; connects the best in European business, across borders, business size and sector; celebrates excellence, innovation, entrepreneurship and best practice among business.